
  • We believe that there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • God is sovereign.
  • The Bible is the inspired rule of faith and subject to the Holy Spirit’s interpretation.
  • Jesus Christ provided the atoning sacrifice for the sin of humankind through His death and resurrection.
  • The Holy Spirit leads men and women in the experience of salvation.
  • We believe that salvation is received through faith in Jesus Christ and that the presence of saving faith is revealed by a life lived in obedience to the will of God.
  • The Church is the physical expression of the Kingdom of God on earth under the Headship of Jesus Christ.
  • Christian witness is given through word and deed.
  • Communion with God and baptism into the death and resurrection of Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit are spiritual realities that go beyond outward sacramental expressions.
  • The fulfillment of the Church will be realized in the final resurrection and final judgment of humankind.

A more detailed treatment of these faith issues is on our Affirmations page. See also our Queries and Advices page.

In addition, our Book of Discipline, which contains the official expression of the doctrines and procedures of Iowa Yearly Meeting of Friends, has a section on faith and doctrine.

External links for more information: